Established in 1966 by Unlimiteds Unanimous, the UNLIMITED NewsJournal is published monthly.  The mission is to document and promote the sport of unlimited hydroplane racing. Our monthly publication is provided online free of charge and available at

Please fill out this form to send us your email address and we will make sure you receive notice of each new issue when it is on our website..

The fifth annual edition of the Hydro Record Book

is available now.
It serves as a free reference for serious hydro fans who enjoy keeping track of the records and statistics related

to the sport of unlimited racing.

If you’ve got a question about hydro records that you want to answer, you can more than likely find it here. Download it, print it, bookmark it, or read about the various records at

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Our next UNLIMITED NewsJournal / U.U. meeting is scheduled for Sunday, July 14th, 2024 @ the Bellevue Library meeting room #2 from 2:00-5:30 pm. The meeting is open to hydroplane enthusiasts and anyone interested in becoming involved with the UNLIMITED NewsJournal.

- for directions to the July meeting, click here -